At C4S, we place great importance on ensuring that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. That's why we've made the return process as straightforward as possible for you. If you decide to return an item within 30 days of receipt, we guarantee a full refund. This requires that the item is unused, in the condition you received it, and that the original packaging and all associated tags are intact.
Please note that in the case of a return, the originally paid import duties and taxes cannot be refunded. Free return shipping outside of Germany is not possible.
We allow a freight-free exchange for an item of the same price.
This is how the return process works:
Register return:
To start your return, please use our returns portal:
Returns portalIf you placed your order from Germany, you will receive a DHL return label and a return slip for download at the end of the process.
Packaging of the return:
If possible, please use the original packaging for the return. If this is not possible, use suitable shipping packaging in which the returned items can be safely accommodated. Make sure that no old shipping labels are visible on the package. Place the items including the return slip in the package and seal it securely. -
Return conditions:
Please note that we can only refund items that are in their original condition. An exchange is also possible as long as the exchanged item has the same price as the returned item.
Important: Unfortunately, we cannot provide a refund for any import duties and taxes paid, and free return shipping only applies to orders within Germany. -
Processing and refund:
As soon as your return has been received and checked, the refund will be processed within 7 days. You will receive the purchase price of the returned items, but the original shipping costs cannot be refunded.